India: Framework conditions for kick-starting offshore wind

India: Framework conditions for kick-starting offshore wind

A cooperation between the Danish Energy Agency and the Indian Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) will help to prepare the framework that can kick-off offshore wind and support the green transition in India. India has an ambition of attaining 30 gigawatts installed offshore wind capacity by 2030. If this target is met, India will be able to avoid CO2 emissions equivalent to 50 million tonnes. This corresponds to almost 1.5 times the annual CO2 emissions from Denmark's total energy consumption.

Phasing in large amounts of renewable energy into India's energy system contributes to India's energy targets, but can also reduce air pollution and create economic growth and jobs through production and operation. At the same time, the use of offshore wind is essential to make optimal use of Indian resources as a response to the growing energy needs and is a contribution to a continuous electrification of Indian society. Therefore, the Danish Energy Agency cooperates with the Indian authorities in order to expand offshore wind in a planned and structured process, so that the expansion can be completed with less risk for investors and thus more cost-effectively.

Read more about the Danish contributions to offshore wind in India here.